Sunday, September 24, 2023

KYP कुशल युवा कार्यक्रम के बारे मे जानकारी KYP INFORMATION kyp kya hai


 KYP का मतलब कुशल युवा कार्यक्रम है। यह बीएसडीएम का एक महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा है। केवाईपी को बिहार में युवा नौकरी चाहने वालों की जरूरतों को ध्यान में रखते हुए बनाया गया है

KYP ka full form : - कुशल युवा प्रोग्राम 

 kyp kya hai

'कौशल विकास' KYP का मुख्य उद्देश्य है। यह 15-25 वर्ष आयु वर्ग के लोगों को लक्षित करता है। 10 वीं पास उम्मीदवार इस योजना का उपयोग कर सकते हैं और कौशल हासिल कर सकते हैं, जिससे उन्हें रोजगार पाने में मदद मिलेगी!

कौशल विकास के क्षेत्र में क्रांति लाने के लिए केवाईपी लागू किया गया है। इस कार्यक्रम के माध्यम से सरकार का लक्ष्य बिहार में कुशल कार्यबल तैयार करना है। ये हुनर ​​उन्हें रोजगार दिलाने में मदद करेगा। संक्षेप में, यह योजना राज्य में बेरोजगारी दर को नियंत्रण में रखने में मदद करेगी!

आइए, केवाईपी के बारे में विवरण देखें। आइए पात्रता मानदंड के साथ शुरुआत करें। यह रहा -


15-25 वर्ष के आयु वर्ग से संबंधित सभी उम्मीदवार (अनुसूचित जाति / अनुसूचित जनजाति, अन्य पिछड़ा वर्ग और विकलांग लोगों के लिए आयु सीमा इस प्रकार है: एससी / एसटी - 30 वर्ष, ओबीसी - 28 वर्ष, पीडब्ल्यूडी - 30 वर्ष), जिनके पास है 10 वीं पास के रूप में न्यूनतम योग्यता; इस तथ्य के बावजूद कि उम्मीदवार किसी भी उच्च शिक्षा पाठ्यक्रम / डिग्री का अनुसरण कर रहा है / पूरा कर रहा है, "कुशल युवा कार्यक्रम" के तहत प्रशिक्षण लेने के लिए पात्र होगा। उपरोक्त के अलावा, 20-25 आयु वर्ग के उन सभी युवाओं को जिन्होंने स्वयं सहायता भत्ता का विकल्प चुना है और स्वीकृत किए गए हैं, उन्हें यह प्रशिक्षण अनिवार्य रूप से पूरा करना होगा।

what is KYP in Hindi

इस कार्यक्रम का मुख्य उद्देश्य कौशल विकास है। इस कार्यक्रम के माध्यम से बिहार सरकार बेरोजगारी की दर को नियंत्रण में रखना चाहती है!

कार्यक्रम का उद्देश्य उन छात्रों को प्रशिक्षित करना है जिन्होंने 10 वीं कक्षा उत्तीर्ण की है (या उच्च योग्यता रखने वाले)। कार्यक्रम तीन मुख्य क्षेत्रों में छात्रों को प्रशिक्षित करता है -

जीवन कौशल

संचार कौशल

कंप्यूटर कौशल और साक्षरता


कार्यक्रम ई-लर्निंग मोड में उपलब्ध है! ई-लर्निंग के लिए धन्यवाद, सीखने का अनुभव बहुत लचीला, सुविधाजनक और सरल है! यह भी जांचें – बीएसडीएम पाठ्यक्रम।

KYP course details in Hindi


1 बीएस सीएसएस (सॉफ्ट स्किल्स/लाइफ स्किल्स)

बीएस सीएसएस का मतलब बिहार स्टेट सर्टिफिकेट इन सॉफ्ट स्किल्स है। इस पाठ्यक्रम में मौजूद कुछ महत्वपूर्ण मॉड्यूल इस प्रकार हैं -

आत्म जागरूकता और आत्म प्रबंधन

पारस्परिक कौशल

प्रस्तुति कौशल

समय प्रबंधन

लक्ष्य निर्धारण और निर्णय लेना

लचीला होना

कार्यस्थल नैतिकता

विवाद प्रबंधन

तनाव प्रबंधन

ग्राहक संबंध प्रबंधन


2 बीएस सीसीएस (संचार कौशल)

BS CCS का मतलब बिहार स्टेट सर्टिफिकेट इन कम्युनिकेशन स्किल्स है। इस पाठ्यक्रम में मौजूद कुछ महत्वपूर्ण मॉड्यूल इस प्रकार हैं -

घर, परिवेश और दिनचर्या


दोस्त, परिवार और रिश्तेदार


स्वास्थ्य और सफ़ाई

समय बताना और निर्देश देना


पूछताछ करना

सार्वजनिक स्थानों पर संचार

मदद करना और सेवाएं देना

काम के लिए तैयार हो रहा हूं

टेलीफोनिक बातचीत

दूसरों के साथ विचार साझा करना

शब्दकोश और थिसॉरस का उपयोग करना

साइबर वर्ल्ड में संचार

साक्षात्कार तकनीक

कार्यस्थल पर बैठकें

कार्यस्थल नैतिकता

ग्राहक सेवा




BS CIT,सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी में बिहार राज्य प्रमाणपत्र के लिए खड़ा है। इस पाठ्यक्रम में मौजूद कुछ महत्वपूर्ण मॉड्यूल इस प्रकार हैं -

ओएस (ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम)


शब्द संसाधन


प्रस्तुति ग्राफिक्स

डेटाबेस प्रबंधन प्रणाली

व्यक्तिगत सूचना प्रबंधक


केवाईपी प्रशिक्षण के लिए नामांकन करते समय एक सुरक्षा जमा का भुगतान किया जाना चाहिए। राशि 1000 आईएनआर है। केवाईपी प्रशिक्षण सफलतापूर्वक पूरा करने (अंतिम परीक्षा पास करने) के बाद यह जमा राशि आपके बैंक खाते में वापस कर दी जाती है।

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Bihar Police Online Exam Test


Bihar Police Constable Mock Test in Hindi 2023 - स्टूडेंट ! हम यहाँ पर आपके लिए बिहार पुलिस बल सिपाही मॉक टेस्ट इन हिंदी लेकर आये है जो की आप यहाँ पर बिलकुल फ्री में ऑनलाइन प्रैक्टिस कर सकते है| इस पेपर में आपको 100 क्वेश्चन मिलेंगे जिसे 120 मिनट्स में करने होंगे|

Bihar Police Constable Mock Test in Hindi 2023

  1. The examination contain 100 objective type questions.
  2. There will be 100 questions and time alloted 120 minutes.
  3. 1 mark(s) will be awarded for each correct answer and 0.00 mark(s) will be deducted for every wrong answer.
  4. No marks will be deducted for un-attempted questions.
  5. The Question Palette displayed on the right side of screen will show the status of each question using one of the following color:



                                                             Bihar Police Online Exam Test

Saturday, September 2, 2023




1. In the given document, split all the text into one column.

2. In the given spreadsheet, insert hyperlink to the heading text ‘’magic cafe’’ and link this to” web page.

3. In the given worksheet, change the page orientation to landscape layout.

4. In the given presentation, insert a new blank slide at the end.

5. Display the given presentation in “slide sorter view”.

6. Remove the “drop cap” effect from the given document.

7. In the given presentation, change the line spacing of the title present on first slide (slide no1) to “2.0 lines”.
8. In the spreadsheet, insert new worksheet after “personal monthly budget” sheet and set the name of this sheet as “budget”.
9. In the given presentation, add two blank slides. Apply “uncover” slide transition effect and “from top” variation effect to all the slides.

10. Add additional two slides to the existing presentation. Set the timing of slide automatically after 4 seconds for 1st slide (slide no. 1).

11. Change the right margin of the given document to 0.6 inches.

12. In the given presentation, delete all the image from second slide.

13. Insert additional six slides in the given MS power point presentation. Hide third slide (slide no.3) while running slide show.

14. Add the text “lanes town high school” to the footer and apply it to all slides.

15. Apply “drop cap – in margin” effect to the first sentence of given document.

16. In the given document, remove hyperlink of the word “home group”. 

17. In the given document, create a hyperlink for the text ‘project report’ to open “” web page.

18. In the given document, apply ‘bold’ and ‘underline’ style to the third sentence.

19. In the given MS word document, insert hyperlink to the image and link this image to “” web page.

20. In the given worksheet, insert new worksheet and change the page orientation to landscape layout.

21. Insert the values 50, 100, 65, 96 in cells g7, g8, g9, g10 respectively. Calculate the sum of the cell range g7 to g10 and display it in the cell g13 using a function.

22. In the given worksheet, select rows 10 and 11 and move them to rows 7 and 8.

23. Change the font size of the second sentence to 14.

24. Insert additional four slides in the given MS power point presentation. Hide second slide (slide no.2) while running slide show.

25. Change the font effect of the fifth sentence to “strikethrough” in the given document.

26. In the given presentation, remove footer text from all the slides.

27. Check and correct all spelling and grammar mistakes in the given.

28. Calculate total marks of first student by using appropriate function in a cell l2 and replicate same formula to the cell range l3:l21.

29. In the given spreadsheet file, insert header “payment details” in the centre section of the header. After entering the header and footer, click on cell a1.

30. In the given presentation, change the case of the paragraph present on the third slide to “uppercase”.

31. Copy slide number 8 and paste it as a new slide at the end of the given presentation.

32. In the given spreadsheet, change the chart from a column chart to a bar chart. Apply any style from clustered bar chart.

33. For the given word document, change the top margin to 2 inches.

34. In the given spreadsheet, apply “accent2” cell style to the cell range a2:g2.

35. In the given file, create a table of 5 rows and 5 columns.

36. In the given workbook, delete the “audit” worksheet.

37. In the given document, set the top margin to 2.5 inches.

38. Change the font style of third sentence of given document to “italic”.

39. You are about to read a document which has lot of text pages. It’s difficult to browse through such document as the reading space is less. How will you switch to “read mode” view which gives maximum reading space?

40. In the given spreadsheet file, apply “accent3” cell style to the cell range a2:h2.

41. In the given presentation, create duplicate slide for the first slide.

42. Create two additional blank slides in the given presentation and view the presentation through the “notes page view”.

43. In the given presentation, insert a new slide with “two content” layout at the end.

44. Delete entire table from the given document.

45. In the given presentation, remove the reflection effect from the word art text “save tigers”.

46. In the given presentation, insert additional three blank slides at the end.

47. In the given document, insert registered trademark symbol, r at the end of the document. 

48. Add watermark text ‘envelope’ in the given document.

49. In the given presentation, delete any one placeholder from the first slide.

50. Add additional four slides to the existing presentation. Display 4th slide (slide no. 4) automatically after 3 seconds while running slide show. Apply time effect for third slide

(slide no.3).

51. Delete worksheet “home loan” from the given spreadsheet.

52. In the given document, use “draw table” option and create table with one row and two columns.

53. Insert one More Blank slide in the given presentation. Hide the first slide (slide no.1).

54. In the given presentation, insert action button “home” anywhere in the last slide (slide no. 2).

55. You have created your resume using MS word. Now you want to insert your photo in a picture control. How will you insert a picture control at the beginning of given document?

56. Remove the numbered list from the given document.

57. In the given document, change the capitalization of entire document to lowercase.

58. Remove the “drop cap” effect from the given document.

59. In the given word document, change the case of the third sentence to upper case.

60. Apply “bold” font style to the entire document.

61. In the given document, insert the text box “Austin quote” and type “welcome” text inside the text box.

62. In the given MS word document, replace the word “programmer” with the word “developer” throughout the document.

63. In the given MS word document, replace the word “nice” with the word “main” throughout the document.

64. Delete the “picture content control” from the given document.

65. In the given MS word document, replace the word “shelf” with the word “desk” throughout the document.

66. In the given document, insert a table of five rows and six columns at the top of the document.

67. Remove the table border from the given document.

68. You have created a birthday greeting card for your friend. You want to change the background of the greeting card. How will you apply “purple mesh” texture effect to

the given greeting card?

69. You have created a project report in Ms Word. For all the headings in the report you want to have consistent formatting. How will you apply formatting of “introduction” heading to the remaining headings using format painter.

70. In the word document, insert a table with 3 rows and 3 columns and change the background colour of entire table to “orange”.

71. In the given MS word document, change the page orientation to landscape.

72. In the given MS word document, replace the word “magic” with the word “drama” throughout the document.

73. In the given Ms Word document, insert hyperlink to the image and link this image to

“” web page.

74. Set 1.5 inch bottom margin for the given document.

75. In the given MS word document, replace the word “Unix” with the word “Linux” throughout the document.

76. Apply artistic page border to the given document.

77. Delete any one table column from the given document.

78. Set 1.5 inch top margin for the given document.

79. Set 1.5 inch left margin for the given document.

80. Delete worksheet “list info” from the given spreadsheet.

81. Set 80% zoom level for the given document.

82. Set 90% zoom level for the given document.

83. Change the width of column c to 25.

84. Merge and centre the heading “blood donor database” from the cell a4 to h4.

85. Set 75% zoom level for the given worksheet.

86. In the given spreadsheet file, insert a new column after column B. 

87. In the given spreadsheet file, insert a new column after column E.

88. Change the width of column e to 15.57.

89. Change the row height to 30 for the row number 5.

90. Move the worksheet, “car loan” and insert it after the worksheet “home loan”.

91. In the given spreadsheet, show legend elements at the bottom of the chart.

92. Arrange excel data by sorting column b (particular) in z to a (highest to lowest) order.

93. In the given spreadsheet, remove all cell formatting from a1:d1 cell range.

94. Apply “style 6” chart style to the given chart.

95. In the given spreadsheet, change the chart from a pie chart to a bar chart. Apply default chart style.




1- In a presentation, you should accept different views of different people, this shows yours.....
a- Openness for criticism 
b- Positive attitude and positive acceptance of critical feedback 
c- Politeness

2- Ashok speaks well but he does not to express himself in a group, this means........
a- He need to think about his problem 
b- He has overcome his fear 
c- He needs to work on interpersonal skills and confidence

3- Jealousy makes the person......
a- Incapable of appreciating good in others 
b- Capable of appreciating others 
c- Capable

4- Spending Sometime in planning your day is ........
a- A waste of time 
b- Good as it enables you to utilize the available time productivity 
c- Not required as you do things as you wish

5- Short term goals can be accomplished in.............
a- In a short life 
b- In a year 
c- In few minutes

6- Sneha doesn’t like the feedback given by her teacher on her dressing style and started crying. This indicates.........
a- She dislikes the teacher 
b- She needs to work on accepting feedback positively 
c- she feels ashamed of herself

7- If a team leader communicates positively with his teammates and gets the work done effectively. The person has.........
a- Good vision 
b- Good Interpersonal Skills 
c- The power to make people work for him/her

8- Preparing a to do list helps you to.......
a- Prioritize your task as per the available time 
b- Hand over the tasks 
c- know your pending tasks

9- Making right decision means .....
a- Taking most easy decision 
b- Taking decision on the right time 
c- Selecting appropriate alternative from the available alternatives

10- Taking responsibility for your actions is a major factor when it comes to workplace ethics. This is ........
a- Positive behavior
b- Responsibility 
c- Accountability

11- the most important component of making successful Presentation.
a- Preparation 
b- Narration
c- Communication

12- Sometimes your imaginary problems give you more stress than real life Does.
a- Disagree 
b- Agree

13- When you join a new friend circle. There is nothing wrong in .........
a- Hiding your liking 
b- Proudly presenting your talents 
c- Neglecting the questions asked to you

14- When you want to make a better presentation than your team members do, you should.....
a- Think divergently on the topic 
b- Follow the earlier Presentation 
c- try to be different

15- When you communicate with a person who is not actually present in front of you, you use best of your interpersonal skills.
a- Agree 
b- Disagree 
c- Can’t say

16- Procrastinating or neglecting responsibilities at workplace shows........
a- lack of motivation 
b- lack of positive attitude 
c- lack of courage

17- You attend your office on time, This indicates........
a- You individually follow the rule 
b- You follow the rule of society 
c- You like your office

18- Dinesh has habit of nail biting when some unexpected problem arise. This indicates that.......
a- he takes stress very easily 
b- he is week 
c- he takes everything positively

19- When you join a new friend circle. There is nothing wrong in proudly presenting your talents, because........
a- all friends must accept your ideas 
b- you are accepted to so 
c- everybody does not your skills

20- Preparing a checklist of your tasks shows that........
a- You wish to complete them on time 
b- You take tension of completing your tasks 
c- You do not remember your tasks

21- You delay the expected action on the things you have planned. This indicates that.......
a- You don’t like those activities 
b- You do not energy to those things 
c- You procrastinate the things

22- You do not try to please everyone all the time, This indicates that ..........
a- You know your limits 
b- You know your abilities 
c- You know your stress

23- Meera is a group leader who wants complete a very important task. So she has to ......
a- give them basic idea and wait 
b- warn them about the results of not completing this task 
c- make her team member listen to each other’s views carefully so that they can complete the task effectively

24- In a group discussion, you should be flexible, but ..........
a- you must not put forth what you want to say 
b- you must put forth what you want to say 
c- you must not think about it

25- I can not do what I or other’s expect because the expectation are unrealistic. This indicates ......
a- Pessimistic attitude 
b- Optimistic attitude 
c- Unrealistic attitude

26- After assigning priorities of things to be done, what should you do?
a- Delegate your responsibility 
b- Start doing the activity 
c- Allocate specific time to each activity/ task

27- Right decisions at right time may get hampered due to.....
a- emotional attachments 
b- traditional situations 
c- rational thinking process

28- Which of the following is the example of sensitive and responsible citizen.
a- It was very crowded bus that day. A lady was standing with her baby and looking for a seat. The passengers started asking the conductor to give her a seat.
b- It was very crowded bus that day. A lady was standing with her baby and looking for a seat. Everybody started looking for a seat for the leady.
c- It was very crowded bus that day. A lady was standing with her baby and looking for a seat. A young boy sitting there got up and offered his seat to the leady.

29- In a presentation, you should accept different vies of different people. This shows your.......
a- Openness for criticism 
b- Positive attitude and positive acceptance of critical feedback 
c- Politeness

30- A presentation satisfies the prime need of __________ on various subjects between either two people or a group of people.
a- communication 
b- preparation 
c- arguments

31- sameer calls his friend and relatives frequently when he is an office. This Indicate That ......
a- he like to speak on phone very much 
b- he is misusing the company time

32- You visit a dam with your friends. You see there warning signs on the banks of the dam stating that swimming is prohibited. One of your friends suggests that you should take a dip in the water and play some water games. You would.....
a- Go to dam and swim 
b- Stop your friends from going to swim

33- In the organization, there is a collective responsibility of completing a given job in a specific time. This is broadly called a.....
a- Plan 
b- Vision 
c- Goal



1- Here take ...... folder and put it on the desk.

a- These 

b- This 

c- Those

2- I ...... like to watch TV. There is good film on.

a- Was 

b- Would 

c- Want

3- Those girls always ..... to loud music.

a- Listens 

b- Listen 

c- Listening

4- My friend Anita ....... Sports.

a- Loved 

b- Loves 

c- Love

5- Tell me ..... you coming to the party?

a- Are 

b- Is 

c- Am

6- The swimming pool... at 7:00 in the Morning.

a- Opens 

b- Open

c- Opening

7- The heritage property is always the ...... hotel to stay in.

a- Most luxurious 

b- More luxurious 

c- Luxurious

8- Which is the correct sentence?

a- He feels terrible if he usually loses his temper. 

b- He usually feels terrible if he loses his temper.

9- Good Students always ...... their homework.

a- Do 

b- Does 

c- Doing

10- They ..... a cat and dog.

a- Has 

b- Have 

c- Having

11- This scarf is .... Than the one in the window.

a- More beautiful 

b- Most beautiful 

c- Beautiful

12- What ..... she do in her free time.

a- Does 

b- Do 

c- Doing

13- Somebody most ..... taken my cellphone.

a- Has 

b- Have 

c- Was

14- She ..... not want to stay at home.

a- Does 

b- Do 

c- Doing

15- Where ..... they go yesterday?

a- Does 

b- Did 

c- Do

16- You are ....... Person I have ever seen in my life.

a- The meanest 

b- Meaner 

c- More mean

17- These colors are the ..... I have ever seen.

a- Not amazing 

b- Less amazing 

c- Most amazing

18- Which is the correct sentence?

a- We always watch television in the evening. 

b- We watch television in always the evening.

19- The Taj was.... Than the holiday inn.

a- Expensive 

b- Most Expensive 

c- More Expensive

20- Ramji is a .... Gardener than Santosh.

a- Good 

b- Better 

c- Less Better

21- Look at ...... newspaper here.

a- This 

b- These 

22- Which is the correct sentence?

a- She always complains about her husband. 

b- She complains about her husband always.

23- Which is the correct sentence?

a- I go jogging in always the morning. 

b- I always go jogging in the morning.

24- Which is the correct sentence?

a- I always eat vegetables and fruits. 

b- Eat vegetables and always fruits.

25- ....... Big building over there is the parliament.

a- This 

b- That 

c- These

26- Fill in the blank with correct option so that this becomes an order: don’t ............ football in the yard.

a- Play 

b- Plays 

c- Played

27- Please visit our website for.... Details.

a- Most 

b- Many 

c- More

28- My son ...... a video game for his birthday.

a- Likes 

b- Would like 

c- Like

29- Anita .... Tennis very well.

a- Play 

b- Plays 

c- Played

30- I ..... Lions and Tigers very much.

a- Like 

b- Would like

31- The Olympic games ..... place every four year.

a- Taking 

b- Take 

c- Takes

32- Are ......... your pencils in this box.

a- These 

b- This 

c- That

33- They ... to buy a house but they haven’t got enough money.

a- Would like 

b- Like

34- She has never....... Something like that before.

a- Done 

b- Doing c- Did

35- Fill in the blank with correct option so that this become in order: ........up stairs.

a- Going

b- Gone 

c- Go

36- Fill in the blank with correct option so that this become in order: don’t ....... In this lake.

a- Swimming 

b- Swim 

c- Swims

37- I ..... to have a car.

a- Would like 

b- Like

38- They ..... a cat and dog.

a- Have 

b- Has 

c- Having

39- Mike ...... children very much.

a- Would like 

b- Likes

40- She ...... playing tennis.

a- Would like 

b- Likes

41- Fill in the blank with correct option so that this become an order: don’t ..... late for school.

a- Is 

b- Am 

c- Be

42- I never ........ Coffee.

a- Drinks 

b- Drink 

c- Drinking

43- What .... You do every Sunday?

a- Do 

b- Did 

c- Does

44- You should not ....... Called him a fool.

a- Has 

b- Have 

c- Having

45- Fill in the blank with correct option so that this becomes an order: don’t .......... Football in the yard.

a- Play 

b- Plays 

c- Played

46- Ann ...... to work for this company.

a- Would like 

b- Likes

47- I .... To eat a pizza tonight.

a- Like 

b- Would like

48- Bad driving ........ many accidents.

a- Causing 

b- Causes 

c- Cause

49- It ..... at 900 in the evening.

a- Closes 

b- Close 

c- Closing

50- Fill the blank with correct option that this become an order: ..... your teeth. 

a- Brushing

b- Brush 

c- Brushed

51- Anita ....... Tennis very well.

a- Play 

b- Played 

c- Plays

52- I .... Hungry.

a- Are 

b- Am 

c- Be

53- You ......... the wrong dress for the interview.

a- Choose 

b- Choosen 

c- Chose

54- My students .............. a little English.

a- Spoken 

b- Speak 

c- Speaks 

55- How much ..... it.

a- Is 

b- Are 

c- Am

56- You ....... Reading non-stop for hours so you must be very tired.

a- Have been

b- Having been 

c- Has been

57- They .... Finished the job.

a- Has 

b- Have 

c- Having

58- They ..... help you.

a- Was 

b- Will 

c- Want

59- He ........ called me twice this morning.

a- Have 

b- Has 

c- Having 

60- मुझे याद है तब दन भर बहुत बारिश हुई थी।

a- I remember than it rained a lot all day.

b- I remember it was raining heavily all day. 

c- I remember why it was raining heavily all day. 

d- I remember it had not been raining heavily all day.

61- They post so many things there many times a day.

a- वे दिन में अनेको बार बहुत सी कहानियाँ पोस्ट करते है। 

b- वे दिन में कई बार कहानियाँ लिखते है।